Cannabis & Brain Tumours

Did you know that there are 120 different kinds of brain tumours?!

An estimated 55,000 Canadians are currently living with a brain tumour.

They are the leading cause of death in children under the age of 20 and while 60% of them will survive, they will be left with horrible life long side effects.

They are also the third leading cause of death in young adults ages 20 - 39.

Because brain tumours are located at the centre of control for thought, emotion and movement, patients' physical and cognitive abilities can be affected and their quality of life can become challenging.

Every day 27 Canadians receive a brain tumour diagnosis. They will see their healthcare team at least 52 times within the first year of their diagnosis.

The good news is that we've come a really long way and now we have access to new (very old) natural medicines and ground breaking technology which allows us to benefit from every aspect of the cannabis plant, including it's ability to fight cancer and provide relief from it's ugly symptoms and side effects.

CBD oils, infused bath bombs, butters, drinks, snacks and even infused full course meals are now bringing relief to patients across the globe.

To learn more about brain tumours visit the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada

To learn more about what's happening with cannabis and human trials visit the University of Leeds, BC Cancer, National Library of Medicine National Centre for Biotechnology Information

If you are a cancer patient looking for more support, information or resources, the good folks at Wellspring are available online and in person across the country. Wellspring is a Canada-wide non-profit organization.



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